School Fees Payment System v3 PHP Script

School Fees Payment System v3 PHP Script

Yesterday I saw a project :Automated Billing System which submitted by user name loading. When I read and saw the project then I thought I can convert this project into School Fee Payment system and I am feeling happy that I did it.

*Beautiful login system.
*Add New Student , View Student , Edit student and Delete Student.
*Add Class , View Class, Edit or Update Class and Delete Class.
*Add , view and edit Monthly Fees in Class Wise.
*Add Admission fee, view and edit in student in cwise.
*Add Student Security amount, view and edit class wise.
*Generate Fee or monthly bill
*View the Report of Student who deposit the fees
*Delete and Print the Report or print receipt monthly wise.
*View student detail Report and Print it.

username: waqas
password: waqas




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