Calculate Number of Days in a Month v1 PHP Script
Calculate Number of Days in a Month v1 PHP Script
PHP cal_days_in_month()
The cal_days_in_month() it function to return the number of days in a month of a specified year and calendar.
This is the form of this function:
calendar (required) Specifies the calendar to use
month (required) Specifies the month
year (required) Specifies the year
The following example shows the basic on how to use the cal_days_in_month() function.
This is the output of the codes above.
PHP cal_days_in_month()
The cal_days_in_month() it function to return the number of days in a month of a specified year and calendar.
This is the form of this function:
calendar (required) Specifies the calendar to use
month (required) Specifies the month
year (required) Specifies the year
The following example shows the basic on how to use the cal_days_in_month() function.
echo (“There was $a days ” . “in October 2005”);
This is the output of the codes above.
There was 31 days in October 2005
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