Almond Classifieds PHP Script Free Download

Almond Classifieds PHP Script Free Download

Unzip your loaded zip file;

"Configuring your Web Server"

1. Create a new directory under the html directory of your Web server where
photo files and files with more detailed ad info will be kept. For example,
(we prefer, to create such directory inside directory where
placed classifieds .php files )
2. Make permission 777 for this directory by chmod command.

"Setting up the config.php file"

Go through config.php file and set up the
following variables only:

1. Set up MySQL database parameters:
Database name ( $db_name ), hostname ( $host_name ),
user name ($db_user), password ($password).
These parameters you can ask in your web site hosting company.
Also choose name for database table ($table_ads) where ads
entries will be saved.

2. Set the base of the path to the directory where
photo files and files with more detailed ad info will be kept.
e.g. $photopath="/home/httpd/html/photos/";
(if you have create photos directory named "photos" inside
directory with .php files you can set up relative path $photopath="photos/" , as
it made in our default settings in config.php file ).
3. Set the base to the URL of the directory where
photo files and files with more detailed ad info will be kept.
e.g. $photourl="";
(if you have create photos directory named "photos" inside
directory with .php files you can set up relative path $photourl="photos/" , as
it made in our default settings in config.php file ).

Do not forget about end slash "/" in the paths :)

"Upload Files"

1. Upload all script files ( .php) via ftp to your php directory,
You have to do this via ftp program
from computer with Windows system ( such as files saved in Windows text format)
to Unix server in ASCII mode.
2. Make permission 755 ( or 777) for these files by chmod command.

"Test the Script"

Create MySQL database (with the same name as specified in config.php file )
by using special web interface provided by your web site hosting company,
or via telnet by using mysqladmin utility.
After configuration, start via your browser createtb.php script for
creation classifieds table.
Input your admin password into form ( this password is set up
in the config.php file ).
Keep in mind, script uses cookies for admin authorization ( so cookies must
be set up in your browser) and if you have once inputed your admin password,
script will not ask you about password until you close your browser.
Cookies work during one browser session ( when you close your browser, on
the next session you have to log in as admin again ).
Click on the link to create classifieds table, if the table is created successfully
you have to see the name of your chosen database table name in the list of
database tables.

Download File



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