Fees Payment Management System PHP Script

Fees Payment Management System PHP Script

Administrator: this module contains both bursars and students information as well as the activities each of them carries at different times. It keeps track on the logs for all system users. It allows the system administrator to add bursars as well as students and manage their accounts.ii. Bursar: This module contains students’ details as well as payment detail. That is fees paid and balances. It also allows the bursar as well to add students and edit their details. Allows the bursar to print list of students who have balances as well as those that have their fees paid.iii. Student: This module contains a specific student’s information. A student is only able to view his details. It also student allows the student to make payments confirmation by entering the bank-slip number and the bank name which in turn confirms form the bank and he is able to view the payments made and the balances and well as print a signed receipt.




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